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Premiere Watch: Show Window: The Queen’s House

Premiere Watch: Show Window: The Queen’s House

Time slot: Monday & Tuesday
Broadcaster: Channel A
Genre: Melo, mystery
Episode count: 16

Channel A’s next drama is here, and it seems to be following the vein of their usual (and shall we say, sensational) programming. But who can complain with this cast? Song Yoon-ah and Jeon So-min take the lead here, along with Lee Sung-jae and 2PM’s Chansung. The synopsis sounds a lot like JTBC’S Reflection of You, with a few tweaks to the story here and there, but perhaps they’ll feel quite different? Song Yoon-ah and Chansung play chaebol siblings who grow up to be lovely people. Song Yoon-ah has a devoted husband, beautiful home, and wonderful children, all of whom she adores — but of course, chaos lies in store. Jeon So-min falls in love with Song Yoon-ah’s husband and begins an affair with him. The secret starts off well-hidden, but not for long. Cue the melo-fest!



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