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Premiere Watch: Sound Candy

Premiere Watch: Sound Candy

Time slot: Saturdays
Broadcaster: TVING
Genre: Youth, fantasy, romance, ASMR
Episode count: 10

Reasons to watch: Gauzy, pastel tone? Check. A barrage of cute idols? Check. Quintessential Jeju location for inner healing? Check. TVING’s latest little drama Sound Candy has flown quite under the radar, and sparks my interest for all the reasons above… but also because it’s been touted as an ASMR drama. The ASMR element is built into the story’s structure (and I use that term loosely), because it tells the story of a singer (played by Weki Meki’s Choi Yoo-jung), who’s dealing with a strange hearing disorder. She heads to Jeju for a respite and at her guesthouse finds a whole bunch of flower boy idols — from the cold-hearted superstar played by Kim Jong-hyeon (a.k.a. JR of NU’EST) to the long-time trainee played by n.SSign’s Lee Han-joon.

But more than cohabitation and hijinks (though I’m sure those will be aplenty), there’s the fantasy-healing-romance portion of our story. You see, our heroine finds herself in possession of some candy — “sound candy” to be precise — that has some very specific magical properties… and right then and there I knew this drama was a must-watch. There’s not a hot-mess combo on earth that I would rather see than bickering idols eating magical candy and achieving inner healing. Bring on the ASMR!

TL;DR: Some things are better watched than explained




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