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Premiere Watch: Wedding Impossible

3 February 25, 2024February 25, 2024

Premiere Watch: Wedding Impossible

Time slot: Monday-Tuesday
Broadcaster: tvN
Genre: Rom-com
Episode count: 12
Global streamer: Viki

Reasons to watch: It’s a classic rom-com setup: a fraud marriage and the guy who tries to wreck it, thinking it’s real. It doesn’t take a PhD to figure out what’s going to happen next, but isn’t that half the fun? The drama’s premise was enough to lure the edgy Jeon Jong-seo, so color me curious. In this webtoon adaptation, Jeon plays an actress who agrees to contract-marry her bestie Kim Do-wan, but his little bro Moon Sang-min has other plans in mind. Also worth noting that the PD from My Unfamiliar Family and Search Query: WWW is behind the camera, so cheers to that.

TL;DR: Jeon Jong-seo in a drama rom-com




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