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Super Junior’s Heechul Going On Hiatus From YouTube

Super Junior’s Heechul and TWICE’s Momo confirmed their relationship on January 2 after both agencies confirmed the news.

While many fans supported and congratulated the couple, there were others that were not happy with this couple. Some believed that the 13 age gap between them was too much and that making their relationship public would only hurt Momo later on.

Amidst the breaking news, Heechul posted an announcement online regarding his YouTube channel.

He revealed that he would be taking a hiatus from his channel for now.

I will be taking a break from my YouTube channel for the time being. I am always so sorry and thankful…I will come back to greet everyone later…I hope that everyone has a happy 2020. Please stay healthy and well…



Heechul’s YouTube was a place where he shared his personal life as a celebrity through vlogs and live streams. His last video was a live stream where he talked about taking care of Sulli’s cat, Goblin.



Fans are upset that he is taking a break from his channel due to the news that released about his relationship.



Regardless of what people are saying, fans are continuing to support the couple. Congrats to Heechul and Momo!



Source: idol issue


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