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SuperM’s Baekhyun Took Advantage Of Lucas’s Trust For The Ultimate Prank

SuperM‘s Baekhyun always has a prank up his sleeve, no matter what the situation is. When they visited Glamour‘s set for a Friendship Test, he had it all planned out to go after Lucas.

wayv superm lucas

Putting his trust in his members, at least what he could muster, Lucas counted to three in preparation for a trust fall. He then let go and fell backward. That’s when he felt that something wasn’t quite right.

Making a pained facial expression, he scrambled to stand upright again. They had thoroughly tricked him; they made him fall right into their trap. It hadn’t been a real trust fall at all.

Behind Lucas, Baekhyun was holding up his fingers, signaling he had poked Lucas right where he hadn’t been expecting: his butt. Everyone couldn’t stop cracking up, especially Baekhyun.

Holding his precious butt, Lucas walked away from his mischevious members and cleverly sneaky leader. To make it even more dramatic, he gave a pained scream as he grinned from ear to ear.

It looks like prankster Baekhyun has won this round. Baekhyun: 1. Lucas: 0.

superm baekhyun

Watch Lucas literally fall right into Baekhyun’s trap here. They even got to do a real trust fall after their shenanigans.

Source: Koreaboo

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