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Top 5 Recap: Hospital Playlist Episode 12 (Finale)

It’s time to say goodbye to our favorite doctors (for now) and see where everyone ended up. It is only fitting that our final top 5 moments focus on our five doctors. Let’s find out where they ended things in season one of Hospital Playlist.

Seok Hyeong

We find Seok Hyeong suddenly very well off thanks to his horrible father’s will, which leaves all his worldly possessions to his oldest son. You can tell that it affects him greatly, that his father was so selfish as to leave out his mother as well as the child he had created with his mistress. Seok Hyeong also receives a letter from his departed father requesting that he gives up being a doctor and become the CEO of his company.

Realizing that life is too short to be doing something that wouldn’t make him happy, Seok Hyeong decides to remain a doctor. Unfortunately, his emotional baggage makes him hesitant to accept Min Ha’s feelings. He turns her down but you can tell that he has some regrets about his decision.

Kmuse: I am so glad that Seok Hyeong is the type of person to see the importance of living a good life. He is the character that snuck under the radar to make me fall in love with him. It also makes sense that he is going to need some time to work through his parent issues before he is ready to fall in love.

Telzeytalks: I agree, as time went on he emerged as a real sweetie. He can be a loner, and he was not too happy at first when Min Ha came into the office to eat ramen together. But he cheered up so wonderfully when she produced drinks and fish cakes from her pockets, that I had hope for them. But that look of dismay when his ex-wife calls him at the very end proves that he has a lot to deal with.

Drama Geek: His trajectory toward the end pointed to a time of exploration. He has a ton to work through, and he’s been down the road of a relationship that failed. I give props to the show for highlighting how busy doctors really are, and how hard it might be to sustain a relationship with everything they deal with. I have hope for next season that we’ll get an interesting story with him and his ex. You never know, she may be someone we really want him to repair his relationship with.

Song Hwa

Song Hwa decides that she needs some time to relax and recover from a neck injury. The long hours in surgery are doing nothing to help her heal. So it is a calmer position in a small hospital on the coast that will be her new residence. Song Hwa declares that it won’t change things too much since she is still close enough to come back on the weekends. This way she can have surgery and still be a doctor during her recovery period.

We are also left wondering about her romantic future as she had confessions from both Ahn Chi Yong and Darth Vader Daddy (more on that later). She finishes out the season in high spirits, singing with the band, and single (as far as we know).

Kmuse: UGH I hate cliffhangers. However, I have faith that whichever direction Song Hwa goes, she will find happiness so I can be satisfied for now.

Telzeytalks: She has so much compassion and understanding for everyone else. She knows what Daddy Longlegs’s decision is by looking at him. Her residents line up outside her door for advice, and she makes an opportunity for one of them to confess by taking the others all out for dinner. We just have to trust that she’ll know what’s best for herself.

Drama Geek: I have complete faith that if she does still have feelings for Darth Vader Daddy, she’ll eventually accept his feelings. He has a son to take into account, so I’m sure she wants to be sure. I’m happy that she is taking time to heal. Her skills are needed, and she’d be of no use if she didn’t take care of herself.

Marshmallow Doc

One of our favorite couples is officially in a long-distance relationship. Sadly, Marshmallow Doc can’t even see Ik Soon off at the airport because of an emergency surgery. We also discover that Marshmallow Doc had bought a pair of couple rings that he wanted to share with Ik Soon but was too nervous. He has a heart to heart with his Chief Resident (their bromance is super sweet) and his co-worker tells him to give Ik Soon the opportunity to say whether she wants the ring or not. He shouldn’t be making the decision for her.

Nervously, Marshmallow Doc writes Ik Soon a letter and adds it to a package with the ring inside. He mails it off but just as the drama is about to end he receives the package back marked return to sender.

Kmuse: I keep forgetting that Marshmallow Doc doesn’t know why Ik Soon is so anti-marriage and commitment. I think if Ik Soon would give a little indication as to why she is marriage shy, things would be a lot smoother for both of them. I am so sad that such a great couple is going through these hardships.

Telzeytalks: We don’t know for sure why the package came back. Ik Soon made a point of saying the address was complicated and packages often got misdelivered. That might well be the reason, and she didn’t send it back on purpose. Even so, now she has to wait.

Drama Geek: I’m pretty sure she told him about her marriage issues in this last episode. They didn’t make us listen to the story again, but she did tell him. I also believe it was a mistake the package was returned. They communicate with each other openly enough that she would tell him if she wanted to break up, not just send the rings back. I hope he flies out and gives them to her in person since he missed saying goodbye to her.

Darth Vader Daddy

Darth Vader Daddy has been our favorite character from episode one. He continues to shine as he blesses everyone around him with his wisdom and friendship. We also finally get to see a tiny bit of movement between him and Song Hwa. Darth Vader Daddy helps her move and while at her new apartment he talks about liking a “friend” and wants to confess but is scared of ruining their friendship. Song Hwa seems overwhelmed and Darth Vader Daddy says to take her time in deciding whether she wants to reciprocate his feelings.

Kmuse: I loved how he laid out his feelings and that he felt he had to do it or he would miss his chance again. I realize that we are going to have to wait to find out what happens but I am thrilled we actually got to a confession moment. I am satisfied to wait if it means their romance won’t be rushed.

Telzeytalks: Well, she didn’t jump on him and hug him, but on the other hand she didn’t tell him to stop talking, as she did to the other guy that likes her. She holds in her feelings, and we’re just going to have to wait.

Drama Geek: I love both of them so much and I do want them to date, but I would also be okay if she turns him down and they remain friends. Their bond is just too strong to not continue to have a relationship, even if it isn’t romantic.

Daddy Long Legs

Out of all our doctors, it is Daddy Long Legs that has the most movement in the finale episode. He finally makes a decision on whether he is going to enter the priesthood and… HE DOESN’T! He finally realizes what we knew all along. That he is meant to be an amazing doctor and help people in other ways. The fact that Daddy Long Legs is head over heels in love with Resident Jang helps him make up his mind. We get flashbacks to all the times we thought he was cold and indifferent. When in reality he was orbiting Resident Jang from the beginning.

Resident Jang gets up the nerve to beg Daddy Long Legs to stay, indicating that she is selfish for wanting him to give up his dreams. He responds with a super sweet kiss. We have a new OTP and they don’t disappoint in the least.

Kmuse: SQUEEEE!!!! The flashback scenes made up for all the frustration I had over the last few weeks. It was so much better to save all the feels for the final big reveal. Their kiss was so wonderfully awkward and I can’t wait to see where they go from here.

Telzeytalks: I feel like it’s a dirty trick to not show us entire scenes all along, but to flash back in the finale to show us what really happened. I would have loved seeing that progression! Still, I love that they told us this season and didn’t make us wait for it.

Drama Geek: So… I’m in the middle of both of your opinions. The show holding those scenes until the end made me feel closed off from his character. I didn’t understand a lot of his decisions, and became frustrated. I still wish we’d been privy to why he felt so passionately that he should be a priest. I get that the other people in his family did it, but I wanted to know why HE felt that way. I did love how ridiculously awkward that kiss was. It fit them so well. I would be shocked if a soon to be priest lade one on me, too. LOL. The pay off was Almost worth the wait.

Final Thoughts:

Kmuse: I am so completely satisfied. Despite all the ups and downs with their personal relationships, the show remained focused on how amazing they are as doctors. It was so refreshing to see all the hospital tropes thrown out the window and how this turned into a true love story for the men and women who sacrifice their time to help those in need. I can’t wait for season 2.

Telzeytalks: I have loved this show, and am counting down to the second season. What are you most looking forward to? Song Hwa in her new hospital? The continuations of the love stories? How about Rosa and the Chairman? Or that story of Marshmallow Doc in Hawaii? It’ll be great when it comes!

Drama Geek: I totally agree that this show did a phenomenal job at really making this drama about the wonderful people in the medical field who rarely worry about all the politics and mostly just want to save their patients. I feel for every person in this show and I can’t wait for the next season.

Until the next band rehearsal,

The Fangirls

Dramas With a Side of Kimchi

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