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Yook Sung-jae to enlist in the Military next week

Actor, singer and BTOB member Yook Sung-jae announced that he will enlist in the military on May 11.  He made the announcement on his Instagram post on May 3, the day after his birthday.   

He first thanked the BTOB’s fandom, Melody.  The young actor just turned 25.  He told his fans that he checked everything that his fans posted for him, including the social media posts and events.  

“Thank you so much for all the melodies that celebrated my birthday yesterday! I looked at all the messages, birthday ads, and events,” he said.  He proceeded to say that he wanted to talk to his fans through his post.

“You may be surprised, but I decided to join the army on May 11,” he said.  

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안녕하세요 성재입니다. 우선!어제 저의 생일을 축하해주신 모든 멜로디 여러분 너무너무 감사드립니다!(sns,생일광고,이벤트 등 다 찾아봤어요!!^^) 어떻게 이야기를 꺼내야할지 고민하다가 너무 깊은 고민과 생각과는 거리가 멀기에 조금이라도 먼저 직접 얘기하는게 맞을것같아서 글을 올립니다. 많이들 놀라시겠지만 5월11일부로 군입대를 결정하게 되었습니다! 갑작스런 통보에 놀라신 분들도 계실거고 걱정하시는 분들도 많이 계시겠지만, 지금까지 멜로디분들이 이뻐해주신것만 봐도 나는 어딜가도 이쁨받을수있고 씩씩하게 지낼수있겠구나!라는 자신감이 생겨서 전혀 걱정도 없고!!! 맘 편히 다녀올수 있을것 같습니다!ㅎ 연이은 비투비멤버들의 군입대에 어쩔수없는 공백기가 생기지만 우리 멜로디분들이 기다려주시니까 저희 비투비는 더더욱 다시 만날 날만을 꿈꾸며 힘내고 있습니다!! 이제 며칠남지 않았지만 가기전에 꼭 멜로디들과 소통할수있는 라방도 하구, 슬슬 맏형들도 나오고, 쌍갑포차도 곧 방영될 예정이니 조금만 참고 기다려주시면 금방 비투비 멜로디 다같이 볼날이 오겠죠!! 지금까지도 항상 너무 고맙고, 앞으로도 많은 응원 부탁드리겠습니다!! 더욱 멋진 모습으로 여러분에게 나타날 그날까지 건강하고 행복한 하루하루 보내고 있기를 바라며 6성재가.

A post shared by 육성재 BTOB Melody 3X2 (@yook_can_do_it) on May 3, 2020 at 2:46am PDT

Yook first made the announcement on joining the army when he left the variety show “All the Butlers.” He’s been a founding cast member of the show since 2017 along with Lee Seung-gi, Yang Se-hyung and Lee Sang-yun.  

Seung-gi promised Yook that he can return to the show anytime he wants.  His fellow actor even said that no one can replace Yook in the show.  

READ: We already miss Yook Sung-jae and Lee Sang-yun in ‘All the Butlers’

Yook said that the announcement may come suddenly and worry a lot of people.  But he said that the fans continuously give him strength and confidence. Their continuous love for him eases all his worries. 

He said that it is  inevitable that the Melodies will have to wait until BTOB becomes complete again. The members themselves are dreaming of the day until they meet their fans again, he said.  

Changsub and Lee Min-hyuk are currently doing their military service.  Yook has been the leader of the group in the absence of Eunkwang and Min-hyuk. He relinquished the leadership role when Eunkwang finished his military service on April 7. 

Yook released his first solo album “Yook O’Clock” on March 2. The actor said that he will continue to communicate with the fans through live broadcasts before enlistment. 

His drama, Mystic Pop-up Bar” will premier on May 20. 

READ: Yook Sung-jae’s latest drama ‘Mystic Pop-up Bar’ will be on Netflix

“Thank you so much always, and Iask for your continued support in the future.  I hope you stay  healthy and happy every day,” Yook said.  

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The post Yook Sung-jae to enlist in the Military next week appeared first on Inquirer Super.

Source: PDI


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