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Divorce Attorney Jang Nara could really use a Good Partner

Divorce Attorney Jang Nara could really use a Good Partner

In the new teaser for SBS legal drama Good Partner, we get to see more of the opposites-attract dynamics between our two attorneys Jang Nara (My Happy Ending) and Nam Ji-hyun (High Cookie) as they handle the dog-eat-dog world of divorce litigation.

Divorce is inherently messy, so when it comes time to saddle up with a lawyer, it helps to get the very best. In this drama, the very best goes by the name of Cha Eun-kyung (Jang Nara), and she’s a divorce legal expert with 17 years of experience. The teaser opens by showing off her skills in how she correctly identifies her client as a cheater just with a look, something that amazes the eager rookie attorney Han Yuri (Nam Ji-hyun).

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However, while Eun-kyung struts confidently now, we see in a flashback she’s only gotten to where she is by grinding and solely focusing on her clients’ best outcome ever since she was a newbie lawyer: “Who cares what the judge thinks?” This puts her at odds with the idealistic Yuri, who wants to pursue the justice regardless of who she represents.

Furthermore, while she is undoubtedly the best in her firm, she also has a way of — how you say — pissing people off with her attitude. This is readily apparent to Yuri who wryly reassures a client that Eun-kyung has the gift of making people upset, a tool that can be used for better (her clients) or for worse (anyone who stands in her way).

But despite their differences, what Eun-kyung and Yuri share is a commitment to their clients, and the teaser ends with Yuri asking Eun-kyung after a successful case how she pulled it off and Eun-kyung responding, “What do you mean how? I used the law.”

Written by real-life divorce attorney Choi Yoo-na and directed by Kim Ga-ram (Nevertheless), Good Partner premieres on July 12 on SBS.

Via Star Today




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