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Here’s 5+ Must-See Dark School K-Dramas To Add To Your List

With more and more school-themed K-Dramas becoming a trend, here’s a list of some popular ones you must watch if you enjoy these types of series.

White Christmas (2011)


After receiving an anonymous letter stating that someone would die, eight students at the elite boarding school decided to remain at school for the eight days of winter break. To accompany them, a teacher is forced to remain.

School 2013


Go Nam Soon, a young boy constantly gets bullied by a group in his class. Later, one of his old rivals joins his school, and eventually, they are able to sort out their differences.

Extracurricular (2020)


A teenager involves himself in a dangerous business to pay his tuition fee. Things soon take a turn for the worse when his peers take an interest in his dark secret.

Class of Lies (2019)


Moohyeok represents a murder defandant, Hansoo, from Cheon Myeong High School, but the case is detrimental to his career. In order to recover his honour, he goes undercover as a temporary teacher at Cheon Myeong High School.

All Of Us Are Dead (2022)


Trapped students must escape their high school which has become ground zero for a zombie virus outbreak.

Duty After School (2023)


A sudden invasion by an alien race quickly overwhelms the South Korean military. The government is forced to take a drastic measure by requiring senior high school students to join the armed forces.

High Cookie (2023)


When a magic cookie wreaks havoc on an elite high school, a young woman fights to save her sister while a university counsellor pursues his own agenda.

Weak Hero Class 1 (2022)


Source: theqoo


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