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Kim Nam-gil fights for freedom in Song of the Bandits

Kim Nam-gil fights for freedom in Song of the Bandits

Kim Nam-gil? In a period drama? Sign me right up! Netflix’s first teaser for Song of the Bandits is out, launching us right into the midst of the action alongside its exceptional cast. At just nine episodes, the drama certainly promises tight storytelling and tense pursuits — and there’s no time to waste when there’s a land to protect.

1920, the era of the bandits. At the center of this tale is Lee Yoon, played by Kim Nam-gil (Island). Born as a nobi — in other words, a serf — Yoon may have been emancipated, but the weight of servitude still bears heavy on his heart. Following the words of a nobleman, Yoon enlisted into the Japanese army, stepping foot onto the war-torn battlefield.

Then, for reasons yet unknown, Yoon renounces his allegiance. Setting off for the lawless land of Jiandao, he now points his muzzle in an entirely different direction. “Are you the independence army?” a Japanese soldier questions. “No,” Yoon responds, cocking his gun. “We’re bandits.”

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Conflict is rife in Jiandao, where the financial might of Japan and the impassioned people of Joseon clash upon Chinese land. The odds may be against Jiandao’s Korean settlement, but that doesn’t quell their fighting spirit one bit. Led by Lee Chung-soo, the former commander of the independence movement — played by Yoo Jae-myung (Juvenile Justice) — they won’t back down. All they wish for is to live like human beings, free from the agony of oppression.

Of course, the imperial army won’t condone the slightest dissent. As the opportunistic officer Lee Kwang-il, main antagonist Lee Hyun-wook (Remarriage & Desires) has Yoon in his rifle’s crosshairs. He isn’t the only one out for Yoon’s blood, since contract killer Eon-nyeon has been commissioned to eliminate the rogue bandit. Played by Lee Ho-jung (Moving), the orphaned markswoman is determined to hunt her mark down — but if Yoon’s raised eyebrow is any indication, his sharpshooter prowess is on par with hers.

Amidst the brass bullets and brutal brawls, one lady exudes an aura of refined elegance. Though she works under the colonial government as a railway section chief, Nam Hee-shin — played by Seohyun (Jinxed at First) — is not what she seems. Disguised as a pro-Japanese sympathizer, her traitorous loyalty is a facade to mask her commitment to the independence movement. Presumably, she’ll join hands with Yoon against the colonial tyrants — since both of them seek to protect not just the country, but also the lives of its citizens.

Directed by Hwang Joon-hyuk (Black Dog) and Han Jin-seon, with scripts penned by Han Jung-hoon (Bad Guys), Song of the Bandits will be released on September 22 via Netflix.

Kim Nam-gil fights for freedom in Song of the Bandits
Kim Nam-gil fights for freedom in Song of the Bandits
Kim Nam-gil fights for freedom in Song of the Bandits
Kim Nam-gil fights for freedom in Song of the Bandits

poster Song of the Bandits

Via Ilgan Sports




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