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News bites: April 23, 2022

1. Yoon Kyun-sang in a drama? It’s been a while. Although that poster… let’s hope it’s a Business Proposal scenario and not something else.

2. *Deep, deep sigh*. Did Junho really have to choose this? Out of the dozens of offers he’s surely getting? His costar and the writer doesn’t exactly inspire confidence either.

3. THE REUNION I DESERVE!! Maybe we’ll even get a kiss scene this time. A girl can hope. And count down to the very minute until the first episode comes out.

4. Bae In-hyuk in a leading role? I’m sold. The supporting cast is great too. Looking forward to this.

5. While street-roaming vigilante doesn’t really suit Nam Joo-hyuk IMO, if he can pull this off, then he could become a bona-fide A lister. After Twenty Five Twenty One, I’m rooting for him.

6. Maybe there’s some justice in dramaland after all. This better be the most successful weekender ever so that Im Joo-hwan finally gets the success he deserves.

7. While I’m not the biggest fan of Suzy as an actress, I do like idols playing idols so this casting works for me. Excited to see Yang Se-jong back. So many campus dramas these days.

8. More Kim Young-kwang is always welcome.

9. I really hope this is good. The plot sounds right up my alley, now it’s just about the execution.



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