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News bites: March 2, 2024

1. I really enjoy Ha Yoon-kyung and she deserves so much better than the disaster that was See You in My 19th Life, so I hope for her sake that this is good.

2. Jung Ji-so is so talented. Will be tuning in even though I’m not superr into sageuks.

3. THIS SHOW. YES. YES. I am SO psyched for this one. Kim Tae-ri! Ra Mi-ran! In a female-led music drama set in the post-war era! This better be GOOD.

4. Okay, I honestly find their height difference uncomfortable to watch already, but both actors can be charming in their own right even if they’re not the best actors of their generation. But the writer of True Beauty? Yikes. We’ll see…

5. Did this really need a second season?

6. Please give me this insanity. Now.



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