First off, let me start by saying WATCH THE ATEEZ BONUS TRACK!! I generally like to have a theme for these posts, but sometimes something incredible comes out and I *have* to share it. And trust me — the MV for “Thanxx” had to be shared!
As for the rest of these songs, let them take you on a haunting, nostalgic journey through the rest of summer. It’s the perfect fit for a season like this, and I think you’ll enjoy it. Check them out!
Hoppipolla – “Let’s!”
I love the wistful summer vibe of this song, and it makes me happy every time it comes across my playlist. These are the kinds of harmonies I absolutely LIVE for!
Hong Eunki – “Flower”
This is a sweet, solid summer ballad — I’m loving Hong Eunki’s voice! It’s gentle without being weak, and this song is a perfect fit.
Dustin-On – “0 (Young)”
I may have never heard of Dustin, much less the subunit Dustin-On, but this haunting song ALWAYS makes me stop and listen, no matter what mood I’m in. I love it, which means everyone else should love it too, of course!
The Man BLK – “Time Turner”
Yet another group that I hadn’t heard of, but I’m glad to have them on my radar now! Their vocals are EXCELLENT, and I’m loving that I can just FEEL the nostalgia in this song.
The Rose – “Black Rose”
If you’ve been reading the kpop posts for any amount of time, you know that ballads really don’t resonate with me. BUT THIS ONE, FOLKS. I’ve enjoyed The Rose from the beginning — they feel a little bit like Coldplay to me — and this song officially tugs at my heartstrings. It’s a love song to their fans, y’all! It’s so sweet.
I canNOT tell you how much I love this song! The choreo is brilliant, I love the colors, but most of all I love the message — “in the end, I’m going to do things my way.” I would expect nothing less from the Pirates of Kpop.
BONUS TRACK: Blackpink – “How You Like That” covered by Gaho and Kave
I didn’t realize I needed this cover in my life until MiataMama threw it may way. I love how Gaho treats the song, making it dark and determined. I love the use of the band and his glorious vocals to turn this song into a masterpiece. You have to check it out!
How is this summer shaping up for you, music fans? What songs are speaking to you? Drop down in the comments and let me know!
Until the next amazing song drops, I remain —
Karie the Maknae
Dramas with a Side of Kimchi