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5 Past Predictions About K-Pop Idols That Will Give You Goosebumps

While a lot of predictions in K-Pop end up being completely wrong, there have been some predictions in K-Pop that gave netizens and fans goosebumps due to their accuracy. Here’s a list of a few of these past predictions.

1. A Korean shaman predicting EXO Chen’s love life


In 2019, a Korean shaman ended up giving some accurate predictions about Chen’s love life. The shaman predicted that Chen was already with someone and that some big news was going to happen in the fall of the same year.

I sense that there’s a fling going on with him right now. I think something will happen in the fall of this year.

— Shaman

Not only that, but the shaman also predicted that the person Chen was seeing wasn’t a celebrity.

I have a feeling the woman won’t be a celebrity, but someone who is somewhat involved in the entertainment industry such as a writer.

— Shaman

While Chen might not have made the big reveal during the Fall of 2019, he did announce in early 2020 that he was going to get married to his non-celebrity girlfriend.

2. Palm reader’s prediction of Kim Woojin


In 2018, YouTuber Tony Leggett analyzed Kim Woojin’s palm, and his analysis ended up predicting several things about Kim Woojin. During Tony Leggett’s analysis, he noted that Kim Woojin’s palm showed that he might become too focused on achieving joy and that Kim Woojin might cross the line sometimes, which could get him in trouble.

And, he’s going to be an adult child all his life. He’s never really, really, really going to grow up. The more he learns to play and the more he has fun, in a straight, good, caring way, the more happy he’s going to be in his life. But, if he takes advantage of that, he’s going to be in trouble.

— Tony Leggett

Tony Leggett also spoke on Kim Woojin’s sexual interests and how he might play around too much, which could potentially cause problems.

There’s a lot of sexual activity in this guy ’cause he wants to experience and he wants to experiment. And he will find a lot of fun in that as long as he makes it fun. There is a dot here, coming out of the side…which is a danger sign of too much of something. He’s really going down. If it’s too much singing, too much being, too much putting himself into situations.

— Tony Leggett

A few years later, and a lot of Tony Leggett’s predictions ended up coming true, as Kim Woojin has recently been accused of sexual assault, as well as him reportedly making a fake agency.

3. Fortune teller’s prediction of Nam Taehyun’s cheating scandal

nam atehyun

Nam Taehyun was once a member of WINNER, and he went with the other WINNER members to a fortune teller in 2014. The fortune teller gave his opinions of the members based on facial readings and stated that Nam Taehyun would treat women terribly.

He’s a man’s man through and through and he’ll treat women terribly

— Fortune teller


The fortune teller explained that while Nam Taehyun will have luck on finding a great woman, he would treat her terribly.

So when you do meet a woman, she’ll be a nice one, but you’ll treat her terribly

— Fortune teller


Five years later, and some of this ended up coming true. In 2019, Jang Jae In revealed that Nam Taehyun had cheated on her multiple times while they were dating.

jang jae in

However, Nam Taehyun would deny these claims and state that he never cheated on Jang Jae In.

4. Stray Kids’ I.N predicting his future as an idol


In 2013, I.N had a dream that predicted his future as an idol. At the time, I.N wasn’t interested in either singing or dancing. However, he ended up having a dream where he was at an unknown place, dancing, and singing.

I.N didn’t think much of this dream, and he just went on with his life.

Well, a few years later, and the dream became a reality, as the scene ended up being I.N’s audition for JYP Entertainment.

It’s the same scene. The dream was about getting into JYP and learning dancing. So, that was just really amazing to me.

— I.N

5. BIGBANG’s G-Dragon predicting his breakup


G-Dragon once predicted his breakup with one of his girlfriends. In the past, G-Dragon had a girlfriend who he liked very much, and during their relationship, he had the sudden thought of what his life would be like if they were to break up.

A few months later, and G-Dragon’s prediction ended up coming true!

Source: Koreaboo


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