Oops I was rewriting my comment and deleted the original before I realized it had been responded to. Here’s the revision fwiw:
That poster for Knight Flower is fabulous. But dare I ask beanies this question? Ok, I dare. Does the poster suggest to you a COMEDY sageuk? Because it doesn’t to me, and I’m starting to get seriously annoyed with marketing lately that does absolutely no favors when it misrepresents a series in genre, style, or tone.
The writing on the right side reads: “If the strict laws of the country cannot save the powerless, then why not save them?”
Ok, I can see that COULD be used in a comedy context. But not with that poster art.
IDK, maybe I’m making too big a deal out of it, but I’m feeling a little burned lately by marketing that promises one type of story but we get something different. It’s like picking up what you think is coffee and tasting tea instead (just and example, no insults intended to either coffee or tea ?)