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TWICE’s Chaeyoung Warns Nayeon’s Stalker After He Leaks Her Phone Number

Throughout 2019 and into 2020, TWICE‘s Nayeon has been battling a stalker who claims that she is his girlfriend.



And recently, this stalker, by the Twitter handle of @YoshTG, leaked Chaeyoung‘s phone number in a since-reported-and-deleted tweet — urging netizens to help him convince Chaeyoung and Nayeon to hear him out.

Following, on January 25, 2020, Chaeyoung posted a long message regarding this information leak and warned @YoshTG to stop harassing the group and violating the members’ privacies.

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아무 말 없이 물러 서주기를 바라며 때를 기다리기엔이젠 한계인 것 같습니다. ⠀ 아무 의미 없을수 도 있는 숫자 11개가 배려와 존중이 없는 한 사람을 통해 인터넷에 올라온 순간, 제 휴대폰은 온갖 전화와 문자로 도배되었고 제가 굳이 하지 않아도 될 수고를 겪고 있습니다. 이러한 문제들은 저 뿐만이 아니라 저희 소중한 멤버들, 저희 회사 다른 많은 아이돌 분들 까지도요. ⠀ 아무런 생각없이 그저 관심과 사랑이라고 포장하며 보내는 행동들과 연락들이 얼마나 많은 사람들에게 피로가 되고 불안이 되고 힘듬이 되어 가는지 조금이라도 생각 해보시길 부탁 드립니다. ⠀ 또한 그렇게 꽁꽁싸맨 포장들로 저희를 건강하고 올바르게 관심과 응원과 사랑을 보내주시는 팬분들 까지 욕되게 하진말아 주십시오. ⠀ 전 이러한 문제에 쉽게 흔들리는 사람이 아닙니다. 화를 억누르지 못해 글을 쓰는게 아닙니다. 따끔히 잘못 되었다는걸 정확히 알려주고 싶을 뿐입니다. 부끄러운 행동이라는 걸요. – 채영

A post shared by TWICE (@twicetagram) on Jan 25, 2020 at 9:50pm PST

I had hoped I wouldn’t have to say anything, but I cannot wait for you to back off anymore — I have reached my limit.

Those 11 digits didn’t have to mean anything. But when an inconsiderate and disrespectful person posted it online, my phone exploded with phones and text messages. I don’t have to go through this, but I have been put through it against my will. And this problem goes for all my beloved teammates, agency staff, and other idols too.

Please think about how these actions, which you call love and attention, become so exhausting, nerve wrecking, and distressing for everyone else. And please stop comparing your pretentious ways to how real fans express their interest, support, and love the right and healthy way.

Know that I am not the type to get easily shaken up by these things. This is not me dashing out in anger. I am actually letting you know loud and clear that what you are doing is wrong. You should be ashamed.



Unfortunately, Chaeyoung’s firm warning didn’t change the situation. In response to Chaeyoung’s update, the stalker continues to tweet in his defense claiming that he shared the number so “supporters” can get in touch with her.


ONCEs are losing patience with the stalker, as he pleads that he is somehow the victim.

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JYP Entertainment has gotten involved and is said to be taking legal action against the stalker to protect the members from further harassment.

JYP Entertainment Responds To TWICE Nayeon’s Stalking Issue With A Plea For Fan’s Help


Although TWICE is currently receiving police protection, if you come into contact with the stalker and have any information you can provide that may help protect the members, please contact JYP Entertainment at fan@jype.com.

Source: Koreaboo


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