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Birthday hashtags for NCT Dream Renjun and ATEEZ Yunho tops worldwide trends

March 23rd marks the birthday of both NCT Dream’s Renjun and ATEEZ’s Yunho as they celebrate their 21st and 22nd year respectively. Both idol group’s official twitter accounts have also posted regarding these members birthdays.

NCTzens and Atinys join the celebration by trending the following birthday hashtags of their beloved idols.

#세상은_런μ₯”덕뢄에_λΉ›λ‚˜ (The world shines thanks to Renjun)
#운λͺ…같이_온_μœ€ν˜Έμ•Ό_μƒμΌμΆ•ν•˜ν•΄ (Happy Birthday to Yunho who came like destiny)

Fans continue to shower positive messages and good deeds as they celebrate the birthdays of both Renjun and Yunho. Here are some sweet tweets from NCTzens and Atinys.

Surely these gestures from fans will make this day extra special for Renjun and Yunho. Wishing these boys a wonderful birthday this 2020!

Source: K-Music Insider

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